Tuesday 16 October 2018

Day 31- Feeling sick

I almost slept through out the day. It was a lazy day, may be because of the periods. Two-three days back, some of my friends were sitting around and we were talking about something called 'Penis envy'. This term was part of Sigmund Freud's pscyhoanalysis (might be factually wrong). According to Freud, women suffer from 'penis envy'. I do not know exactly what he meant by that but something like women feel less compared to men because of not having a penis.
Also he mentioned something like women generally strive for men's attention and that is the reason they pay excessive attention on their looks, dress and makeup while going out.
He is correct but this is not only true for women, we can generalize it for both the sexes. Anyways, so one of my friends asked this question, do you actually envy it? And this is the reason I am writing this post, because i really don't know. Also the problem is why this question is only about men and women, there are other genders as well. Not every gender feels inferior to men. So this generalisation of Freud is completely wrong and biased, set in patriarchal mindset of his days.

There have been times when i have felt the need to be more like men because they enjoy this hegemonic position, which we are bound to envy. There have been occassions when I have questioned why girls have to go through this monthly ordeal of periods where as boys have no worries like that. Also there have been times, when i have just wanted my breast to just disappear because of the way men look at them and i still want that.
But i have never envied their masculinity, it is helplessness of my own feminity in such situatons which i have questioned. Everything has been unfair from the start, my brother getting more freedom, the physical pains associated with being a women, the fear felt due to the constant attacks of men sneering at you.
And this brings me to Freud, how could he analyze what women felt without ever going through it. I think only a women could have expressed these inequalities in a better way and not in the male terms like he did. Rather then 'penis envy', it should have been something like ' more gender neutral if a women or some one who went through it actually would have described it. But then world has always been unfair to some, those who really need to speak, never get the chance.

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Forced to be free

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