Saturday 18 November 2017

It was brilliant
The vision spectacular
They were like two strangers lost in each other
They were so apart yet so together
The eyes sparkling, hands intertwined
They were looking for some escapes
From stranger eyes
Touch was natural
Happiness too much
Hands held like they were meant to be forever
Bliss on faces
A deep thirst on lips was standing there
Like an angry little bird
The eyes were radiating moon light of the night
They were standing behind a barrel of old boxes
Again holding hands
Looking for some escapes
From the starnge old devilish eyes
They were not in love
Only full of thirst for love
Love which was impure
Which was not to be respected
By the eyes of the world
They could have stayed there holding hands
But a scandal would happen
If they held each other for too long
The cold was unnerving
The only relief was in warm breaths
Which both were releasing near each other’s ears
They wanted to come closer
But then somebody passed
And they stepped back
Still holding hands
Walking down the path they just came from
Their hands touched now and then
With deep sighs
They just went about looking for an isolated escape
Away from the eyes
Away from the world
Perhaps deep down into some woods
Where no one will see
No one will watch
No one will judge
And no one will comment.
Away from the strangers’ eyes
They went away
Holding hands
Looking for some peace

Saturday 11 November 2017

The God of Small things

Arundhati Roy, you are brilliant. You have written something beyond my expectation. I don't know why I took so many years to buy 'God of Small Things'. It was a beautiful little book.

There was no story and yet every small thing tells a story. The God of Small things, or The God of Loss, it was all about those little small things ignored in life. Never knew all those small things had the power to tell an intriguing tale of their own. Ammu, Rahel, Estha and Velutha, are hanging by my side, telling me their small stories with every minute passing by. It was a poem. The whole book was rhyming. It was like a long piece of poetry, whose melody would not let me stop. It is true the great stories are those, whose story is already known but they grab your attention, every single time you hear or read them. You have given us one such tale. The characters are confounding and rebellious. They tell you a tale with their own perspective. It is hard to hate the antagonist too because it was demanded of her, otherwise it's beauty would have been lost. Truly a master piece.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Television going mythological

Have you noticed that suddenly there are too many historical dramas being played on television. Why this sudden revival of interest in historical stories? Are people turning more religious everyday or the viewership has been reduced to few people who are only interested in misquoting the historical events and introducing mysticism into it which would be enjiyed by the viewers, who never care to question the facts. Whereas the web is experimenting with different categories, for instance the web series being produced are much more realistic and are playing with new ideas. My virtual girlfriend, maya, sexacohlic etc., are some of the topics which are unspoken of. Even short films and movies are playing with varied number of ideas.

But, why the indian television industry is getting sicker everyday?

Something irrelevant

Every time when he says something 
It sounds like he is trying to hurt
The words are different but they all mean the same 

Every time he looks at me 
He gives me the same look which hurts 
He may look at me in different ways and at different times but they all mean the same

Every time he wonders about me
He thinks about my well being which hurts
He detests my choices and wants my well being but this all means the same 

Every time 
I hope this every time would stop 
Because i cannot take it anymore
It hurts every time just little more

Now the tears have dried and my mind is calm 
I hate this anguish we both live in
It equally hurts us both 

I wish i wish i could just tear it all away 
Me to another planet and him to another
Because no matter how much we care 
We just cannot share the same time trail 

Saturday 1 April 2017

Am I writing a tribute to The Fountainhead? No i am not, when I read it the last time I was too naive to understand the deeper implications it could have on somebody's thoughts. This time it was different, it was read with a different point of view and under different light with a little better understanding. I have loved the lead Howard Roark since i was 16, just the way Ayn Rand reveres the human form. The perfect man, as men of a free society are ought to be. I worshipped him like Dominique Francon and Gail Wyand love him through out the book. But suddenly my love for him has changed, it is not love but a longing to see men who could build my utopian world. Since it is a utopia perhaps it would never get accomplished just like Marx's proletarian state never took its true form and as lassiez faire capitalism ceases to exist today. This is so because world belongs to change and not to continuity of same ideas. The dialectics will continue till something better comes up but there will always be someone and something to challenge that better too, it is like a never ending process. What i want to convey is that Ayn Rand is wrong in many ways, she talks of individualism just like Mill or Hobbes or but her individualism comes with a dependence, a dependence on talent. She denounces mediocrity and that is where i dislike her opinions. I don't want to denounce merit, but i support the relativity of merit. Like richness and poorness are relative to each other so is the merit to mediocrity. There exists merit because there are already set standards of average. And this very fact makes her individualism based on merit flawed. She is a nonbeliever of a communist society as well as the mixed society, the reformed capitalism or socialism of the present times. But the fact is these both are incomplete without each other. A communist society is as exploitative as the capitalist society. The complete submission to any ideology is a crime because they are incomplete. Perhaps the dialectics is yet far away from a better ideology.  I don't have any solutions to this problem or to the flaws of her objectivism. I just wanted to state my opinion. 

Forced to be free

Currently, going through Rousseau’s discourse on Political Economy, and his work called the Social Contract. He is confusing me a lot. ...