Sunday 23 September 2018

It is our judgement that defeats us

‘It is our judgement that defeats us’, when Marlon Brando (Colonel Kurtz) says this to Captain Williard (Martin Sheen), i was left speechless. This is the biggest anathema faced by people today. Being judged or being judgemental kills the whole adventure.

Let me explain with an example, I like a boy and I am planning on telling him. But before me somebody has already told him about my intentions. From that time onwards he has been contemplating what his reaction should be? He is also getting judgemental about my actions withouht even giving me a chance to tell him anything. This will ruin any chance of having a good relationship. This is a very naive and childish example but this problem of getting judged, has come up in every day experiences of life. 

This very thing, being judgemental, which we hate, we are its’ greatest vicitims too. I am not saying I don’t have this issue. I am just looking for a solution. Let me tell you about another instance, I have seen this girl many times on campus, she has not waxed any of her body parts, like legs or arms and she continues to wear shorts, skirts etc. etc. There is nothing wrong about it. But I could not help myself from staring at her again and again, first few times I saw her. I don’t want to have any opinions about her as I don’t even know her name but I can not help it. I am sure many people face this when they don’t even want to do it yet you  have no power over it. 

I might be wrong about the sense in which Kurtz said this but that is how I feel about judgements. It is very easy to say that I am not judgemental but it is very hard to not to be. Infact, I feel it is impossible. I can never go without making opinions about someone I meet the first time. And, i do that most of the times. In the end, I can onlys say, you cannot stop your mind but yeah what can do is to not to impose your judgements on others. Atleast not make everything uncomfortable for you, not so comforting for others too, will not set a good example. 

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Forced to be free

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