Thursday 30 July 2015

Why it was ‘them’ and not ‘me’?

Why it was ‘them’ and not ‘me’?
Whenever I see them looking captivating in their dress, it hurts.
Whenever I see them uploading their status with DLTGH (days left to go home), it upsets me.
I ask myself there and then why it was ‘them’ and not ‘me’.

Whenever I see their tanned skin, an evidence of their harsh training, I feel jealous.
Whenever I see those proud eyes, telling the story of their adventures, I feel dejected.
I wonder why it was ‘them’ and not ‘me’.

When I know I could have been there, I feel aroused.
I wish to know when I had the potential equal to theirs,
What made me so unlucky and unworthy?
Every minute I dream of that place, myself in those pictures.
And then I ask myself why it was ‘them’ and not ‘me’?

I make up dreams to instil myself into those moments
I was ready to give up everything like them, then why I was not the chosen one.
Why it was ‘them’ and not ‘me’?
I see their watsapp unused for days and I feel like unblocking all.
I see them posting on facebook and I start requesting facebook to add an unlike button.
I see and I wonder why it was ‘them’ and not ‘me’.

When I see them in those events, dressed as officers, I feel horrible.
Whenever I see them uploading their pictures on Facebook, I curse.
I look for reasons which will answer my question that why it was ‘them’ and not ‘me’?

Whenever I imagine them saluting to their seniors, I feel wretched.
When I visualize them raising their revered caps, I feel unfortunate.
When I dream myself in their position, I feel worthless.

And there and then I ask God why it was ‘them’ and not ‘me’?

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Forced to be free

Currently, going through Rousseau’s discourse on Political Economy, and his work called the Social Contract. He is confusing me a lot. ...